Crear Tiene Ingenio is an educative television program focused on provide information about science, technology and education.
ROLE: General producer - Digital producer.
Awarded as "Best youth television program" at the India Catalina TV Awards
Awarded as "Best science divulgation capsule" at Pantalla de Cristal Awards
Awarded as "Best educative program" at Cre@TEI awards
ARENAS, the series that show the life of the sculptor Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt. Produced by Opción Video Digital with the MINTIC financial program "Abre Cámaras 2020"
The series has been broadcasted in multiple national and regional TV channels like: Señal Colombia, Canal Trece, Canal TRO, Canal capital, Teleantioquia, RTVC, Canal Telecafe.
Nominee to the awards Premios Platino and Premios India Catalina.
ROLE: 1st AC - Focus puller
Nominee at Platino awards and India Catalina TV Awards
In this documentary a journey is undertaken from the interior of Antioquia to the Colombian Caribbean coast in the search to understand how these regions of the country are related. The stories that are documented through pleasant encounters with people and tours of magnificent places show us how closely we have been together for quite some time. Alma caribe is a production made for the Teleantioquia channel.
ROLE: General producer - Drone pilot - Cameraman.
Nominee at TAL Awards at "Best Documental regional series"
Honor Mention at "Cre@TEI as Best Documental Series"
Las Casas de Dios (The houses of God) is a documentary series that explores the different religious manifestations that are professed in the Department of Antioquia. The series is a journey through the beliefs, rites, traditions and cosmogonies with which the communities of the department identify in the search for answers that go beyond the earthly. This exploration into the spirituality of the people of Antioquia transcends the discussion about who or who possesses the truth.
ROLE: General producer - Drone pilot - Cameraman.
Cristina Llamando a Tierra: Crisis Climática en el Planeta (Cristina Calling Earth, Climate Crisis on the Planet) is an audiovisual series of twelve chapters that addresses, from a scientific perspective, the various environmental problems caused by human activity throughout its civilization and aims to raise awareness about the imminent risk that it runs by not acting resolutely and responsibly to reverse the damage done to the planet.
ROLE: General producer - Digital producer
Awarded with the "Angela Restrepo Molina Journalism award"
Nominee at "Cre@ TEI - Category: Divulgative microspace Series"
Season 2
Más Allá del Tiempo Season 2, is a period series made by Opción Video Digital, composed of 10 chapters of 24 minutes. In each chapter the life story of some illustrious characters born in Antioquia, outstanding in the arts, science, business, and their political or social importance.
ROLE: Production coordinator
Through the eyes of Beatriz Echeverry and Socorro Londoño, the gossips of the neighborhood; we will witness the most unusual events that happen in this particular street. The events narrated through this story are just a pretext to show our true character: LA CUADRA.
ROLE: 1st AC - Focus puller
El Crimen no Paga cuarta temporada, Is a Teleantioquia Channel series, produced by Opción Video Digital.
ROLE: Editor